Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pampered Chef totals and more awesomeness

Our Pampered Chef party came to a close and we sold over $1,500 worth of product!  It was amazing all the orders that came through from friends, neighbors and co-workers!  We know such fantastic people!  Pampered Chef is donating $250.00 to our team!!  Woo Hoo!! 

We have also started receiving orders for flocking.  We flocked 2 houses this week and have another order come through for next week and some for October as well!  We are so excited to be able to raise money doing something so fun!!  Plus, I think the whole neighborhood enjoys seeing the birds out.

Speaking of flocking...last night was really funny.  Nick (my 8 year old), Joshua (his friend) and I left to flock a house.  As we were sitting in the car discussing our game plan I looked out my window and saw a dark shadow of a person standing next to my car.  I don't think I've ever screamed as loud as I did then.  I'm actually impressed that no inappropriate words came out of my mouth!  It was very dark out, windy and starting to rain.  Then to see this figure I jumped right out of my skin!  It was a neighbor to the house we were flocking.  She was nice enough to let us park in her driveway and flock from there.  It was perfect.  But, I think the boys got a kick out of the adult getting spooked!  The boys did such a great job I think I'm going to have to take them with me more often!  And they loved it!!  What fun we had last night!  Also, instead of using 25 birds we put the whole flock of 50 on this house and it was fabulous.  I've got visions of what we could do with 100...