Saturday, September 18, 2010

Training woes (already???)

Our ticker has been stuck at 7 miles for a while now.  That is not by accident.  You see, I decided to take the twins on a 7 mile walk/run in the double stroller.  It was a beautiful day, sunny yet with a breeze.  After making it home from doing all 7 miles I felt GREAT.  Really really good.  I have had trouble with my hip in the recent past and for my hip and knees to be doing well was fantastic!  I was pumped.

The next day was uneventful.  I was barely sore.  Just enough that I remembered walking and felt proud that I went out and did it.  But, not enough to think twice about it.

Day 2 post walk was an entirely different story.  I again felt completely fine and went about my motherly duties.  I picked the twins up and put them to down for their nap and decided to pick up the playroom.  As I bent down and started sorting toys I realized that I couldn't stand back up.  I had thrown my back out again.

After 2 doctors appointments, 2 chiropractic appointments and the 1st of many physical therapy appointments I feel 95% better.  Well enough that I can probably attempt the double stroller again.  I am not one that sits around the house all day.  Walking 7 miles didn't cause me to hurt my back, but I think it weakened it just enough to cause a previous injury to flare up.  Thankfully with the help of PT and lots and lots of time on my hands I will start my training out right, so that this doesn't happen again right before out walk!!