Monday, March 5, 2012

A roadblock turned detour

In 2011 my husband and I raised $$$ and prepared to walk 60 miles during the Susan G Komen 3-Day for the Cure event in Dallas, TX.  Unfortunately after throwing my back out yet again we ended up not being able to walk which was a blessing in some ways.  We didn't realize at the time that we would be moving to Seattle, Washington a few months later.  Dec. 28th we closed on our new home.  We are unpacked and settling in to this new adventure in the Emerald city.  Just last week I spoke with a representative for the SGK organization and she was so kind and patient as she registered both of us for the 2012 event and changed our walking location to SEATTLE!!  Our registration is unique (because it is being transferred from '11) and we feel so thankful that they will allow us to walk this year with the knowledge that we raised our required funds and are not required to raise any more to participate.  No need to be burdened down with fundraising this year, however  I have the sneaking suspicion that I will get the urge to start fundraising again before the walk.  In total we have raised over $7,000 and I'm itching to attempt to pass the 10k mark... 

I'm grateful for another shot at the ability to help put an end to breast cancer.  Every step that I am able to take, every breath I breathe I am grateful.  :)  Today I am especially grateful that our roadblock turned into a detour and that we have a new date to look forward to-Sep. 14-16, 2012!